I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you. - Psalm 32:8
This morning I am going to present our 2nd annual “State of the Church Address”. This is something that I learned from a previous pastor and that I believe is very important to do. During the message, I will briefly look back over 2015 and point out a few highlights where the LORD demonstrated His faithfulness to us this past year. After doing this, we will look forward into the new year and I will share some goals for us to achieve in 2016.
Remembering the LORD’s faithfulness is extremely important. The things that He has done for us in the past help to solidify our faith and to ensure us that God is indeed using us for His glory. 2015 was a magnificent year for Calvary Baptist church and the handiwork of God was evident among us in many different ways.
Having a vision of and goals for the future is equally as important. Without these, we tend to wander aimlessly through our lives without any clear sense of direction. I believe that God has much more for Calvary Baptist Church as we strive to reach “the least of these” with the love and message of Jesus Christ. The fact is that there are hundreds of people right here in Seymour who are lost and in need of salvation. Our mission as a church is far from over...
None of us cannot accurately predict the future at all times. That said, the goals that I present this morning will likely change as circumstances arise and reshape our priorities. This was certainly the case last year, as God redefined and improved upon some of the initiatives we spoke about about back then. He knows where He wants to take us, and I trust that He will reorient us if we stray off the path that He desires.
Before we begin, please know this… your pastor has prayed about each of these items that we are about to discuss. I believe that they are God’s will for us, or else I would not mention them. However, I also believe that God speaks to you just as He does to me, and am certain that there are things He’s revealing to you that He wills for our church. I urge you to share these revelations with me, so that we might prayerfully incorporate them into the planning process of Calvary Baptist Church.
I. A Look Back Over 2015
3 Baptisms - Belinda Latham, Tessy Thomas, Curtis Lee
7 New Members - Johnny & Bryan Jackson, Justin Copeland, Vicki Barker, Claudia Malone, Belinda Latham, Curtis Lee
Average Attendance Remained Level
Annual Giving (Financial Report) - Total Expenses $41,200; Total Revenue $40,000
Other Significant Happenings
Unity Service - 1/18
Pastor/Spouse Retreat - 2/13-14
RA Lockin - 2/20-21
Mission Trip - 3/8-12
RA Track Meet - 3/28
National Day of Prayer - 5/7
Nursing Home - June
RA Camp - 6/24-27
Youth Camp - 7/6-10
Back To School Celebration - 8/19
See You At The Pole - 9/23
Explosion Weekend - 10/2-3
Nursing Home - November
5th Quarter - 11/6
Fall Revival - 11/8-10
Thanksgiving Service - 11/22
BSM Luncheon - 11/30
Women’s Bible Study - Fall
Clothes Closet Ministry - Year Round
New Church Bus (July)
Hired Dottie to Clean Church
Gave to Military Bible Sticks
4 Funerals and 1 Wedding
Launching of Wednesday Night Youth
Reestablishing the Church Council
II. Goals Achieved During 2015
Exterior lighting for Parking Lot
Upcoming Sermon Series - Prayer and Romans
Chronological Bible Reading Plan
Launching of Children's’ Sunday School
Online Giving (over $8,000)
Nursing Home - June & November
Mission Trips - Send at least 1 person - Eagle Pass
Sermons Online
III. A Look Forward To 2016
Renovation of the Church/Facilities
Get Seats Bolted Into Bus/Begin Using
Redo another room or two
Start saving and fundraising for new Siding
Renewing our Worship & Practice
Upcoming Sermon Series - The Church & Exodus/Numbers
Year-long Scripture Memory Plan
Restart the Adult Sunday School Program
Restart the Weekly Prayer Meeting
Conduct a Monthly Business Meeting
More Women's Bible Studies
Find A Worship/Song Leader
Reviving the Community and Beyond
Continue Nursing Home Ministry
Continue Clothes Closet Ministry (Maybe add Food Pantry)
Continue Involvement in Ministerial Alliance and Bi-Fork Association
Vacation Bible School/Backyard Bible Club
Mission Trips - Keeping Sending People
You may be wishing that you’d slept in this morning. I’ll freely admit that today’s message would hardly qualify as a traditional sermon. It was not the way I usually preach. You might have felt more like you were at a business meeting than in a church service. If that’s the case, don’t fret… next Sunday the service will be more like what you are used to.
Perhaps you are under the impression that today’s message was dry and boring, and has no application to your life. If so, I would respectfully disagree…
Today we have remembered the works of God among us over this past year and praised Him for them.
Today we have been challenged to read and memorize Scripture, and have been provided with a specific strategy for doing so.
Today we have been urged to pray for one another daily, to communicate with one another during the week, and to encourage one another always.
Today we have been exhorted to giving generously through tithes and offerings in order to meet various financial goals that will expand the Kingdom of God in Seymour and beyond.
Today we have been challenged to expand our ministries, to become more involved in missions locally and abroad, and to seek new and more effective ways of impacting our community for Christ.
Today we have been encouraged to remain faithful in our attendance, and to bring others with us that our church might continue to grow.
Please take some time this week to pray for God’s blessings on our church in the coming year. I am praying for and believing that we are going to experience some miraculous things in 2016. I can hardly wait to see what the LORD is going to do!
This morning I am going to present our 2nd annual “State of the Church Address”. This is something that I learned from a previous pastor and that I believe is very important to do. During the message, I will briefly look back over 2015 and point out a few highlights where the LORD demonstrated His faithfulness to us this past year. After doing this, we will look forward into the new year and I will share some goals for us to achieve in 2016.
Remembering the LORD’s faithfulness is extremely important. The things that He has done for us in the past help to solidify our faith and to ensure us that God is indeed using us for His glory. 2015 was a magnificent year for Calvary Baptist church and the handiwork of God was evident among us in many different ways.
Having a vision of and goals for the future is equally as important. Without these, we tend to wander aimlessly through our lives without any clear sense of direction. I believe that God has much more for Calvary Baptist Church as we strive to reach “the least of these” with the love and message of Jesus Christ. The fact is that there are hundreds of people right here in Seymour who are lost and in need of salvation. Our mission as a church is far from over...
None of us cannot accurately predict the future at all times. That said, the goals that I present this morning will likely change as circumstances arise and reshape our priorities. This was certainly the case last year, as God redefined and improved upon some of the initiatives we spoke about about back then. He knows where He wants to take us, and I trust that He will reorient us if we stray off the path that He desires.
Before we begin, please know this… your pastor has prayed about each of these items that we are about to discuss. I believe that they are God’s will for us, or else I would not mention them. However, I also believe that God speaks to you just as He does to me, and am certain that there are things He’s revealing to you that He wills for our church. I urge you to share these revelations with me, so that we might prayerfully incorporate them into the planning process of Calvary Baptist Church.
I. A Look Back Over 2015
3 Baptisms - Belinda Latham, Tessy Thomas, Curtis Lee
7 New Members - Johnny & Bryan Jackson, Justin Copeland, Vicki Barker, Claudia Malone, Belinda Latham, Curtis Lee
Average Attendance Remained Level
Annual Giving (Financial Report) - Total Expenses $41,200; Total Revenue $40,000
Other Significant Happenings
Unity Service - 1/18
Pastor/Spouse Retreat - 2/13-14
RA Lockin - 2/20-21
Mission Trip - 3/8-12
RA Track Meet - 3/28
National Day of Prayer - 5/7
Nursing Home - June
RA Camp - 6/24-27
Youth Camp - 7/6-10
Back To School Celebration - 8/19
See You At The Pole - 9/23
Explosion Weekend - 10/2-3
Nursing Home - November
5th Quarter - 11/6
Fall Revival - 11/8-10
Thanksgiving Service - 11/22
BSM Luncheon - 11/30
Women’s Bible Study - Fall
Clothes Closet Ministry - Year Round
New Church Bus (July)
Hired Dottie to Clean Church
Gave to Military Bible Sticks
4 Funerals and 1 Wedding
Launching of Wednesday Night Youth
Reestablishing the Church Council
II. Goals Achieved During 2015
Exterior lighting for Parking Lot
Upcoming Sermon Series - Prayer and Romans
Chronological Bible Reading Plan
Launching of Children's’ Sunday School
Online Giving (over $8,000)
Nursing Home - June & November
Mission Trips - Send at least 1 person - Eagle Pass
Sermons Online
III. A Look Forward To 2016
Renovation of the Church/Facilities
Get Seats Bolted Into Bus/Begin Using
Redo another room or two
Start saving and fundraising for new Siding
Renewing our Worship & Practice
Upcoming Sermon Series - The Church & Exodus/Numbers
Year-long Scripture Memory Plan
Restart the Adult Sunday School Program
Restart the Weekly Prayer Meeting
Conduct a Monthly Business Meeting
More Women's Bible Studies
Find A Worship/Song Leader
Reviving the Community and Beyond
Continue Nursing Home Ministry
Continue Clothes Closet Ministry (Maybe add Food Pantry)
Continue Involvement in Ministerial Alliance and Bi-Fork Association
Vacation Bible School/Backyard Bible Club
Mission Trips - Keeping Sending People
You may be wishing that you’d slept in this morning. I’ll freely admit that today’s message would hardly qualify as a traditional sermon. It was not the way I usually preach. You might have felt more like you were at a business meeting than in a church service. If that’s the case, don’t fret… next Sunday the service will be more like what you are used to.
Perhaps you are under the impression that today’s message was dry and boring, and has no application to your life. If so, I would respectfully disagree…
Today we have remembered the works of God among us over this past year and praised Him for them.
Today we have been challenged to read and memorize Scripture, and have been provided with a specific strategy for doing so.
Today we have been urged to pray for one another daily, to communicate with one another during the week, and to encourage one another always.
Today we have been exhorted to giving generously through tithes and offerings in order to meet various financial goals that will expand the Kingdom of God in Seymour and beyond.
Today we have been challenged to expand our ministries, to become more involved in missions locally and abroad, and to seek new and more effective ways of impacting our community for Christ.
Today we have been encouraged to remain faithful in our attendance, and to bring others with us that our church might continue to grow.
Please take some time this week to pray for God’s blessings on our church in the coming year. I am praying for and believing that we are going to experience some miraculous things in 2016. I can hardly wait to see what the LORD is going to do!