Now He was questioned by the Pharisees as to when the kingdom of God was coming, and He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God is not coming with signs that can be observed; nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or, ‘There it is!’ For behold, the kingdom of God is in your midst.” - Luke 17:20-21
Over the next few weeks, in chapters 17 and 18, we will dig deeper into the topic of “Babylon”. John has already mentioned Babylon twice in his vision (Revelation 14:8 and 16:19), though he hasn’t elaborated on it in detail. When he described the flights of the 3 angels, he wrote that the 2nd angel shouted, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, she who has made all the nations drink of the wine of the passion of her sexual immorality.” Later, as he talked about the 7th bowl judgment, he said, “Babylon the great was remembered in the sight of God, to give her the cup of the wine of His fierce wrath.”
We learn from these 2 statements that “Babylon the great” misled the nations of the world and enticed them to act immorally. As a result, Babylon was judged by God, experienced His terrible wrath, and subsequently fell or collapsed. But the question remains, “Who or what is Babylon the great?”
I. THE TROUBLING SCENE (Revelation 17:1-3,7)
John was approached by 1 of the 7 angels who had just finished pouring out the bowls of God’s wrath. The angel invited him to come see “...the judgment of the great prostitute who sits on many waters”. This prostitute was described as one “...with whom the kings of the earth committed acts of sexual immorality, and those who live on the earth became drunk with the wine of her sexual immorality.”
The angel carried John away in the Spirit into a wilderness. Therefore, in his vision, the scene shifted temporarily away from his heavenly vantage point in the throne room to a mysterious wilderness. There, he saw a woman riding atop a scarlet beast. The beast was covered with blasphemous names, had 7 heads, and 10 horns. Overcome with curiosity, John was assured by the angel that the mystery of both the woman and the beast would be revealed.
In part 1 of this message, this morning, we will focus on identifying and further investigating this hideous beast. Next week we will deal with the strange woman who was seen sitting upon the beast. By first familiarizing ourselves with this beast, we’ll then be in a better position to discuss and understand who its harlotrous rider might be.
As previously stated, the beast was full of blasphemous names, had 7 heads, and 10 horns. This description matches that given of both the dragon and of the beast from the sea found earlier in Revelation (12:3 and 13:1). They are of the same corrupt nature, mimicking the holy oneness of God the Father and Christ the Son. Therefore, this beast would seemingly represent either Satan, the Antichrist, or maybe both.
The angel who was speaking with John said, “The beast that you saw was, and is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss and go to destruction.” It is important to remember that the bowl judgments ended with the defeat of Babylon and the coming of Christ. Therefore, following the sequencing of the Revelation narrative, Satan and the Antichrist would have recently been defeated. In other words, their kingdom was, but currently is not.
This beast would soon come out of the pit before going to destruction. This statement foreshadows the fate of the Devil, who (as we will discuss in the coming weeks) would be bound during the Millennium, released at its end, and then ultimately defeated and cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:1-3,7-10). The unsaved people living on the earth at the end of the Millennium would be in awe and wonder when the beast (Satan) reappeared after having been imprisoned for 1,000 years.
III. THE HEADS OF THE BEAST (Revelation 17:9-11)
The angel told John that the beast’s 7 heads were 7 mountains upon which the woman sits. While some interpret this metaphor literally, the text plainly states that these mountains were kings - not natural land features or hills. Mountains are often used symbolically in the Bible to refer to kingdoms (such as in Daniel 2:35). Therefore, a more credible and widely accepted interpretation of this passage is that the 7 heads depict the 7 kingdoms that have ruled over and oppressed Israel throughout her history - namely Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, and Turkey (or the Ottomans). Let me explain...
Referring to these 7 kings and kingdoms, the angel told John that 5 had already fallen, that 1 is, and that another is yet to come. Remember that John lived and wrote during the 1st century, while the Romans were in power. Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece (5) had already fallen or relinquished control over Israel, the Romans currently held it, and the Ottomans would take over centuries later.
The angel then stated that the beast himself was an 8th kingdom, yet also 1 of the 7. To clarify, the beast was a revived version of 1 of the previous kingdoms that would reassert itself in the last days to dominate Israel for a second time. This was depicted earlier by the single head of the beast that had been fatally wounded but was miraculously healed (Revelation 13:3). Most commentators agree that this resurrected kingdom will be Rome. A revived and refashioned Roman Empire led by the Antichrist, perhaps manifested in the form of the European Union, will reign over and oppress Israel during the Great Tribulation.
IV. THE HORNS OF THE BEAST (Revelation 17:12-14)
Finally, the angel explained to John that the 10 horns of the beast were 10 future kings. These distant kingdoms were not in existence during John’s lifetime, but rather would arise during the last days. They would receive authority and power for a brief time and give it to the beast. Together with the beast, they would wage war against and subsequently be overcome by the Lamb and His faithful followers.
Some eschatologists suggest that the revived Roman Empire of the last days (possibly the EU) will consist of 10 divisions or nations, ruled by 10 kings all under the headship of the Antichrist. If so, these 10 monarchs will likely be European. This is in contrast to the aforementioned “kings of the east” who will also agree to fight alongside the Antichrist during the Battle of Armageddon (Revelation 16:12-16). They will presumably be Asian. Collectively, the “10 kings” and “the kings of the east” combined illustrate most, if not all, of the world’s leaders.
When we meld all of these characteristics together, the beast of Revelation 17 most aptly represents an evil and Satanic kingdom, led by the Antichrist, that will come to power in the last days, made up of and supported by a confederation of several earthly kings. This coming kingdom will revel in persecuting Israel and opposing God Almighty. The beast symbolizes both this kingdom and its demented king. It will be a dark, secular, corrupt, and sinful realm filled with lies, lust, promiscuity, violence, greed, idolatry, and all other forms of vile immorality.
In closing, remember that the scarlet beast is only half of the mystery. Join us next week for part 2 of this message, as we seek to identify the prostitute riding on top of the beast. Only then will we truly able able to comprehend the meaning of “Babylon the great”.
Over the next few weeks, in chapters 17 and 18, we will dig deeper into the topic of “Babylon”. John has already mentioned Babylon twice in his vision (Revelation 14:8 and 16:19), though he hasn’t elaborated on it in detail. When he described the flights of the 3 angels, he wrote that the 2nd angel shouted, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, she who has made all the nations drink of the wine of the passion of her sexual immorality.” Later, as he talked about the 7th bowl judgment, he said, “Babylon the great was remembered in the sight of God, to give her the cup of the wine of His fierce wrath.”
We learn from these 2 statements that “Babylon the great” misled the nations of the world and enticed them to act immorally. As a result, Babylon was judged by God, experienced His terrible wrath, and subsequently fell or collapsed. But the question remains, “Who or what is Babylon the great?”
I. THE TROUBLING SCENE (Revelation 17:1-3,7)
John was approached by 1 of the 7 angels who had just finished pouring out the bowls of God’s wrath. The angel invited him to come see “...the judgment of the great prostitute who sits on many waters”. This prostitute was described as one “...with whom the kings of the earth committed acts of sexual immorality, and those who live on the earth became drunk with the wine of her sexual immorality.”
The angel carried John away in the Spirit into a wilderness. Therefore, in his vision, the scene shifted temporarily away from his heavenly vantage point in the throne room to a mysterious wilderness. There, he saw a woman riding atop a scarlet beast. The beast was covered with blasphemous names, had 7 heads, and 10 horns. Overcome with curiosity, John was assured by the angel that the mystery of both the woman and the beast would be revealed.
In part 1 of this message, this morning, we will focus on identifying and further investigating this hideous beast. Next week we will deal with the strange woman who was seen sitting upon the beast. By first familiarizing ourselves with this beast, we’ll then be in a better position to discuss and understand who its harlotrous rider might be.
As previously stated, the beast was full of blasphemous names, had 7 heads, and 10 horns. This description matches that given of both the dragon and of the beast from the sea found earlier in Revelation (12:3 and 13:1). They are of the same corrupt nature, mimicking the holy oneness of God the Father and Christ the Son. Therefore, this beast would seemingly represent either Satan, the Antichrist, or maybe both.
The angel who was speaking with John said, “The beast that you saw was, and is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss and go to destruction.” It is important to remember that the bowl judgments ended with the defeat of Babylon and the coming of Christ. Therefore, following the sequencing of the Revelation narrative, Satan and the Antichrist would have recently been defeated. In other words, their kingdom was, but currently is not.
This beast would soon come out of the pit before going to destruction. This statement foreshadows the fate of the Devil, who (as we will discuss in the coming weeks) would be bound during the Millennium, released at its end, and then ultimately defeated and cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:1-3,7-10). The unsaved people living on the earth at the end of the Millennium would be in awe and wonder when the beast (Satan) reappeared after having been imprisoned for 1,000 years.
III. THE HEADS OF THE BEAST (Revelation 17:9-11)
The angel told John that the beast’s 7 heads were 7 mountains upon which the woman sits. While some interpret this metaphor literally, the text plainly states that these mountains were kings - not natural land features or hills. Mountains are often used symbolically in the Bible to refer to kingdoms (such as in Daniel 2:35). Therefore, a more credible and widely accepted interpretation of this passage is that the 7 heads depict the 7 kingdoms that have ruled over and oppressed Israel throughout her history - namely Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, and Turkey (or the Ottomans). Let me explain...
Referring to these 7 kings and kingdoms, the angel told John that 5 had already fallen, that 1 is, and that another is yet to come. Remember that John lived and wrote during the 1st century, while the Romans were in power. Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece (5) had already fallen or relinquished control over Israel, the Romans currently held it, and the Ottomans would take over centuries later.
The angel then stated that the beast himself was an 8th kingdom, yet also 1 of the 7. To clarify, the beast was a revived version of 1 of the previous kingdoms that would reassert itself in the last days to dominate Israel for a second time. This was depicted earlier by the single head of the beast that had been fatally wounded but was miraculously healed (Revelation 13:3). Most commentators agree that this resurrected kingdom will be Rome. A revived and refashioned Roman Empire led by the Antichrist, perhaps manifested in the form of the European Union, will reign over and oppress Israel during the Great Tribulation.
IV. THE HORNS OF THE BEAST (Revelation 17:12-14)
Finally, the angel explained to John that the 10 horns of the beast were 10 future kings. These distant kingdoms were not in existence during John’s lifetime, but rather would arise during the last days. They would receive authority and power for a brief time and give it to the beast. Together with the beast, they would wage war against and subsequently be overcome by the Lamb and His faithful followers.
Some eschatologists suggest that the revived Roman Empire of the last days (possibly the EU) will consist of 10 divisions or nations, ruled by 10 kings all under the headship of the Antichrist. If so, these 10 monarchs will likely be European. This is in contrast to the aforementioned “kings of the east” who will also agree to fight alongside the Antichrist during the Battle of Armageddon (Revelation 16:12-16). They will presumably be Asian. Collectively, the “10 kings” and “the kings of the east” combined illustrate most, if not all, of the world’s leaders.
When we meld all of these characteristics together, the beast of Revelation 17 most aptly represents an evil and Satanic kingdom, led by the Antichrist, that will come to power in the last days, made up of and supported by a confederation of several earthly kings. This coming kingdom will revel in persecuting Israel and opposing God Almighty. The beast symbolizes both this kingdom and its demented king. It will be a dark, secular, corrupt, and sinful realm filled with lies, lust, promiscuity, violence, greed, idolatry, and all other forms of vile immorality.
In closing, remember that the scarlet beast is only half of the mystery. Join us next week for part 2 of this message, as we seek to identify the prostitute riding on top of the beast. Only then will we truly able able to comprehend the meaning of “Babylon the great”.