And he [the Antichrist] will confirm a covenant [peace treaty] with the many [Israel] for one week [7 years]... - Daniel 9:27a
At the Rapture of the Church, the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit will be removed from the earth (2 Thessalonians 2:6-7). It is the Holy Spirit who currently restrains or prevents the rise of the Antichrist. In His absence, conditions will be ripe for unparalleled tribulation, rampant evil, and the Antichrist’s reign of terror.
The after effects of the Rapture will cause tremendous chaos and confusion upon the earth. In the wake of this worldwide catastrophe, I believe that the people of the world will come together in a spirit of compromise and goodwill. Among other things, many of these nations - including some who were formerly hostile toward her - will join together in signing a multilateral peace agreement with Israel. One of these signatories will be the Antichrist, though at this point his true identity will not be known and his power not yet consolidated.
Revelation focuses on the events taking place above, in God’s throne room, where Jesus is preparing to open the scroll with 7 seals. Many Bible scholars believe that the signing of this historic peace treaty on earth will coincide precisely with the breaking of the first seal in Heaven. These 2 simultaneous occurrences will mark the official beginning of the 7-year Tribulation.
There in the heavenly throne room, as everyone eagerly watched, Jesus broke the first seal. At this moment, the Tribulation on earth began. One of the 4 living creatures, who fly around the throne continuously worshiping God, said to John, “Come!” (which translates as “Behold”). John looked up and saw a rider on white horse. The rider had a bow, but strangely no arrows. He was given a crown and then sent out to conquer the earth.
Most commentators believe that the first horseman is the spirit of the Antichrist. He rode a white horse in order to mimic Jesus, the true Conqueror, who will later return on a white horse at His second coming (Revelation 19:11). The horseman had a bow, yet no arrows, which suggests that he will be a man of peace and diplomacy - at least for awhile. He was given a crown, indicating that his authority over the earth during the Tribulation will be God-given. He went to earth with the mission to conquer and subdue its people.
I believe that the spirit of the Antichrist will come and abide on a particular world leader. He will become remarkably charismatic and charming. He will be a brilliant statesman, politician, and diplomat. His speech will be flattering and inspirational. His ability to solve problems will be unmatched. Many nations will willingly turn to him, cede their power to him, and align themselves with his rule. During the first half of the Tribulation (3 ½ years) the Antichrist will gradually increase in power and influence, eventually exercising dominion over the entire earth.
II. THE SECOND SEAL: WAR (Revelation 6:3-4)
Jesus then broke the second seal of the scroll. Another of the living creatures said, “Come!” John saw a rider on a red horse who was given authority (by God) to take peace from the earth. He was sent specifically to make war, to stir up conflict, and to cause the nations of the world to fight against and kill one another. His purpose is symbolized by the large sword that was given to him.
Following a brief season of harmony and peace, during which the Antichrist will begin to gain prominence, many of the world’s leaders will revert back to their old, aggressive nature. In their quest for power, warfare will break out between the nations and persist throughout the Tribulation. As the world’s armies clash with one another, millions of people will die. Over time, the Antichrist will become increasingly militant and violent as well.
III. THE THIRD SEAL: FAMINE (Revelation 6:5-6)
Jesus then broke the third seal and another of the living creatures said, “Come!” This time John saw a rider on a black horse who was holding a pair of scales in his hand. John heard a voice coming from the center of the 4 living creatures which said, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not damage the oil and the wine.” Based on the location given, many commentators believe the voice is that of God. Furthermore, they identify the third horseman as famine, accompanied by inflation and economic turmoil.
It has been estimated that, during the time of Jesus’ earthly ministry, a single denarius could buy roughly 10 quarts of wheat or 30 quarts of barley. The prices given in these verses are highly inflated, which strongly suggests a massive food shortage. The contributors to this famine might include adverse weather conditions and natural catastrophes, ongoing warfare and destruction, and perhaps even economic manipulation and corruption. During the Tribulation, thousands will die due to starvation, malnutrition, and an inability to acquire affordable, quality food.
Even in this, however, God placed a limit on horsemen’s destruction. He commanded the third rider not to damage the oil and wine, both of which were commonly used for cooking and drinking. Interestingly, these 2 commodities were poured on the wounds of the injured man in Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:34). This restriction has been seen by some commentators as a sign of God’s mercy, even in the midst of hardship and tribulation.
IV. THE FOURTH SEAL: DEATH (Revelation 6:7-8)
When Jesus broke the scroll’s fourth seal, the last living creature also said, “Come!” John saw a rider on an ashen or pale horse. The rider was named Death, and Hades followed along with him. This last horseman seems to be a culmination of the previous 3, as the conquest of the Antichrist, perpetual warfare, and debilitating famine would naturally lead to countless deaths. In addition, this horseman would also bring pestilence, infectious disease, and a strange and violent uprising of the animal kingdom against the inhabitants of the earth.
This rider was given authority to kill a fourth of the world’s population. Currently, that number is projected to be almost 2 billion people (and growing). A death toll of this size is hard to imagine and provides insight into the staggering horrors of the coming Tribulation. To make matters worse, the overwhelming majority of these fatalities will be lost and condemned to Hell. These deaths would likely not occur all at once, but rather over the course of 7 years.
The section of Revelation that deals with the Tribulation is broadly structured by 3 stages of judgments: 7 seals, followed by 7 trumpets, and finally 7 bowls. Parenthetical details are included periodically, which provide several extended breaks in the sequence. Some commentators believe that these 21 judgments are listed in the precise order in which they will occur. I, however, do not share this opinion. I agree that John described things chronologically as he saw them in his vision, but am convinced that they were not presented to him in the proper order. I will explain my position as we move along through this series together.
From my perspective, the first 4 seals (which are symbolized by the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse) describe general conditions which will persist throughout the Tribulation. During this 7-year period the Antichrist will gradually rise to power and then rule with absolute authority over much of the earth. War and violent conflict will be persistent, waged at first between the nations and eventually by the Antichrist against God and His people. Famine, disease, pestilence, economic upheaval, inflation, political corruption, predatory animals, natural disasters, darkness, and death will characterize most of the Tribulation period.
Remember, while God’s judgment is being poured out upon the inhabitants of earth, Christians will be safely abiding in Heaven and praising God. They will have been raptured prior to the Tribulation. That said, if you’ve never accepted Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of your life, I encourage you to do so today.
At the Rapture of the Church, the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit will be removed from the earth (2 Thessalonians 2:6-7). It is the Holy Spirit who currently restrains or prevents the rise of the Antichrist. In His absence, conditions will be ripe for unparalleled tribulation, rampant evil, and the Antichrist’s reign of terror.
The after effects of the Rapture will cause tremendous chaos and confusion upon the earth. In the wake of this worldwide catastrophe, I believe that the people of the world will come together in a spirit of compromise and goodwill. Among other things, many of these nations - including some who were formerly hostile toward her - will join together in signing a multilateral peace agreement with Israel. One of these signatories will be the Antichrist, though at this point his true identity will not be known and his power not yet consolidated.
Revelation focuses on the events taking place above, in God’s throne room, where Jesus is preparing to open the scroll with 7 seals. Many Bible scholars believe that the signing of this historic peace treaty on earth will coincide precisely with the breaking of the first seal in Heaven. These 2 simultaneous occurrences will mark the official beginning of the 7-year Tribulation.
There in the heavenly throne room, as everyone eagerly watched, Jesus broke the first seal. At this moment, the Tribulation on earth began. One of the 4 living creatures, who fly around the throne continuously worshiping God, said to John, “Come!” (which translates as “Behold”). John looked up and saw a rider on white horse. The rider had a bow, but strangely no arrows. He was given a crown and then sent out to conquer the earth.
Most commentators believe that the first horseman is the spirit of the Antichrist. He rode a white horse in order to mimic Jesus, the true Conqueror, who will later return on a white horse at His second coming (Revelation 19:11). The horseman had a bow, yet no arrows, which suggests that he will be a man of peace and diplomacy - at least for awhile. He was given a crown, indicating that his authority over the earth during the Tribulation will be God-given. He went to earth with the mission to conquer and subdue its people.
I believe that the spirit of the Antichrist will come and abide on a particular world leader. He will become remarkably charismatic and charming. He will be a brilliant statesman, politician, and diplomat. His speech will be flattering and inspirational. His ability to solve problems will be unmatched. Many nations will willingly turn to him, cede their power to him, and align themselves with his rule. During the first half of the Tribulation (3 ½ years) the Antichrist will gradually increase in power and influence, eventually exercising dominion over the entire earth.
II. THE SECOND SEAL: WAR (Revelation 6:3-4)
Jesus then broke the second seal of the scroll. Another of the living creatures said, “Come!” John saw a rider on a red horse who was given authority (by God) to take peace from the earth. He was sent specifically to make war, to stir up conflict, and to cause the nations of the world to fight against and kill one another. His purpose is symbolized by the large sword that was given to him.
Following a brief season of harmony and peace, during which the Antichrist will begin to gain prominence, many of the world’s leaders will revert back to their old, aggressive nature. In their quest for power, warfare will break out between the nations and persist throughout the Tribulation. As the world’s armies clash with one another, millions of people will die. Over time, the Antichrist will become increasingly militant and violent as well.
III. THE THIRD SEAL: FAMINE (Revelation 6:5-6)
Jesus then broke the third seal and another of the living creatures said, “Come!” This time John saw a rider on a black horse who was holding a pair of scales in his hand. John heard a voice coming from the center of the 4 living creatures which said, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not damage the oil and the wine.” Based on the location given, many commentators believe the voice is that of God. Furthermore, they identify the third horseman as famine, accompanied by inflation and economic turmoil.
It has been estimated that, during the time of Jesus’ earthly ministry, a single denarius could buy roughly 10 quarts of wheat or 30 quarts of barley. The prices given in these verses are highly inflated, which strongly suggests a massive food shortage. The contributors to this famine might include adverse weather conditions and natural catastrophes, ongoing warfare and destruction, and perhaps even economic manipulation and corruption. During the Tribulation, thousands will die due to starvation, malnutrition, and an inability to acquire affordable, quality food.
Even in this, however, God placed a limit on horsemen’s destruction. He commanded the third rider not to damage the oil and wine, both of which were commonly used for cooking and drinking. Interestingly, these 2 commodities were poured on the wounds of the injured man in Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:34). This restriction has been seen by some commentators as a sign of God’s mercy, even in the midst of hardship and tribulation.
IV. THE FOURTH SEAL: DEATH (Revelation 6:7-8)
When Jesus broke the scroll’s fourth seal, the last living creature also said, “Come!” John saw a rider on an ashen or pale horse. The rider was named Death, and Hades followed along with him. This last horseman seems to be a culmination of the previous 3, as the conquest of the Antichrist, perpetual warfare, and debilitating famine would naturally lead to countless deaths. In addition, this horseman would also bring pestilence, infectious disease, and a strange and violent uprising of the animal kingdom against the inhabitants of the earth.
This rider was given authority to kill a fourth of the world’s population. Currently, that number is projected to be almost 2 billion people (and growing). A death toll of this size is hard to imagine and provides insight into the staggering horrors of the coming Tribulation. To make matters worse, the overwhelming majority of these fatalities will be lost and condemned to Hell. These deaths would likely not occur all at once, but rather over the course of 7 years.
The section of Revelation that deals with the Tribulation is broadly structured by 3 stages of judgments: 7 seals, followed by 7 trumpets, and finally 7 bowls. Parenthetical details are included periodically, which provide several extended breaks in the sequence. Some commentators believe that these 21 judgments are listed in the precise order in which they will occur. I, however, do not share this opinion. I agree that John described things chronologically as he saw them in his vision, but am convinced that they were not presented to him in the proper order. I will explain my position as we move along through this series together.
From my perspective, the first 4 seals (which are symbolized by the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse) describe general conditions which will persist throughout the Tribulation. During this 7-year period the Antichrist will gradually rise to power and then rule with absolute authority over much of the earth. War and violent conflict will be persistent, waged at first between the nations and eventually by the Antichrist against God and His people. Famine, disease, pestilence, economic upheaval, inflation, political corruption, predatory animals, natural disasters, darkness, and death will characterize most of the Tribulation period.
Remember, while God’s judgment is being poured out upon the inhabitants of earth, Christians will be safely abiding in Heaven and praising God. They will have been raptured prior to the Tribulation. That said, if you’ve never accepted Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of your life, I encourage you to do so today.