For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. - Philippians 1:21
Over the past few weeks, we have studied the 3 characters of the unholy Trinity. Satan is the dragon, the Antichrist is the beast from the sea, and the False Prophet is the beast from the earth. In chapter 14, which we will begin today, there are 4 new and distinct scenes. We will discuss the first 3 of these this morning and save the last 1 for next Sunday. Let’s get started...
I. THE SCENE ON MT. ZION (Revelation 14:1-5)
John looked and saw the Lamb, Jesus Christ, standing on Mt. Zion. He was surrounded by the 144,000 saints who had His name and the name of His Father written on their foreheads. John heard a voice from heaven which sounded like “many waters”, “loud thunder”, and “harpists playing on their harps”. A heavenly choir, presumably made up of the angelic harpists and other singers, sang a new song before the throne of God. The 144,000 saints who were gathered below on Mt. Zion joined them in singing. Of all those living on the earth, only they were able to learn this song.
These 144,000 were described as having been “purchased from the earth”. They had not defiled themselves with women and were celibate. They followed the Lamb wherever He went and were a sort of “first fruits” to God. They were honest and blameless before Him. Like the 120 or so Jewish believers who watched as Jesus ascended into heaven following His first coming, these 144,000 righteous Jews were there to witness His glorious return (Acts 1:9-10).
This scene almost certainly describes the second coming of Christ (Zechariah 8:3), which will occur at the end of The Great Tribulation. The 144,000 saints are, undoubtedly, the very same Messianic Jews who were sealed by God and under His divine protection during the reign of the Antichrist. The marks on their foreheads can be directly contrasted with the mark of the beast, which we discussed last week. In the last days, they will assemble to welcome and greet Jesus upon His return, and will join with the angels in Heaven singing praise to His wonderful name.
II. THE FLIGHTS OF 3 ANGELS (Revelation 14:6-11)
John then saw an angel flying in midheaven bearing the “eternal gospel”. This message was to be preached to the entire earth - people of every language, nation, and tribe. It was a call to fear, worship, and give glory to God - the Creator of the heavens, earth, and everything in them. It was a call to repentance, faith, and salvation. This gospel message also included an urgent warning that the time of the LORD’s judgment had come.
John then saw a second angel following behind the first. This angel proclaimed that “Babylon the great” had fallen. This angel described Babylon as, “she who has made all the nations drink of the wine of the passion of her sexual immorality.” There is great debate among experts regarding the identity of “Babylon”. We will discuss this issue in much greater depth later in this series when we get to chapters 17 and 18.
Finally, John saw a third angel following the other 2. This angel loudly declared a stern warning that if anyone worshiped the beast or took his mark, they would face the full strength of God’s anger and wrath. To be specific, they would face the eternal torment of fire and brimstone without any rest or relief in the presence of the Lamb and His holy angels. In other words, Jesus would see and approve of their everlasting condemnation.
These 3 angels were seen flying in midheaven, which is typically understood as the earth’s lower atmosphere or “sky”. It seems to me that the first angel, who came proclaiming the gospel, would have done so at the very beginning of the 7-year tribulation as a cry to those who would have to endure it. The second angel, who stated that Babylon had already fallen, would seem to arrive at the very end of the tribulation after Babylon had collapsed. The third angel, who gave a warning about the impending mark of the beast, would seem to appear at the midpoint of the tribulation, just prior to the wicked rule of the Antichrist.
If my suggestions are correct, these 3 angels are clearly presented out of chronological order. They appear at the beginning, end, and then middle of the tribulation. To me this is yet another example showing that John recorded his vision in the order that it was revealed to him - not necessarily in its proper chronological sequence. Broadly speaking, the events of Revelation will unfold in the order they are written, but there are numerous examples of flashbacks and foreshadowing found in the text.
III. THE VOICE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT (Revelation 14:12-13)
John exhorted believers to persevere, remain obedient, and keep their faith in Jesus even when confronted with terrible persecution from the Antichrist. His words here echo those he’d penned earlier when originally describing the beast from the sea (Revelation 13:10). Sometimes we need to be encouraged repeatedly, especially in the face of such dire circumstances.
John then heard a voice from Heaven telling him to write. Scripture indicates that this was the Spirit speaking, i.e. the Holy Spirit. Remember that the Holy Spirit was removed from the earth along with all believers at the rapture of the Church and was seen in the heavenly throne room pictured as a 7 lamps of fire (Revelation 4:5). The Spirit dictated, “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on… so that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow with them.” It would seem logical to make this statement at either the beginning of the tribulation or at the midpoint, just before The Great Tribulation. It would not make much sense to say this at the end, when or even after Jesus comes again.
Nevertheless, the summation of these verses is that believers should persevere even unto the point of death if necessary, knowing that it is a blessed thing to die in the Lord. Those who have been born again have the assurance of an eternal rest and the certainty that their good deeds will be rewarded (James 1:12). This is the encouragement of God, as spoken by the Holy Spirit. We can face death courageously, because our hope is in Jesus Christ!
The various scenes described in Revelation 14 seem to be, at least in my studied opinion, somewhat scattered in time across the 7-year tribulation period. To me this is the most disorderly, or shall I say non-sequentially presented, chapter in the entire book. For clarity’s sake, let’s review and reemphasize my proposed timeline for the first half of chapter 14.
Next week we will cover the closing verses of Revelation 14. You’ll not want to miss this message. Until then, remain strong, be faithful, and keep believing knowing that “He who endures to the end will be saved (Matthew 24:13).”
Over the past few weeks, we have studied the 3 characters of the unholy Trinity. Satan is the dragon, the Antichrist is the beast from the sea, and the False Prophet is the beast from the earth. In chapter 14, which we will begin today, there are 4 new and distinct scenes. We will discuss the first 3 of these this morning and save the last 1 for next Sunday. Let’s get started...
I. THE SCENE ON MT. ZION (Revelation 14:1-5)
John looked and saw the Lamb, Jesus Christ, standing on Mt. Zion. He was surrounded by the 144,000 saints who had His name and the name of His Father written on their foreheads. John heard a voice from heaven which sounded like “many waters”, “loud thunder”, and “harpists playing on their harps”. A heavenly choir, presumably made up of the angelic harpists and other singers, sang a new song before the throne of God. The 144,000 saints who were gathered below on Mt. Zion joined them in singing. Of all those living on the earth, only they were able to learn this song.
These 144,000 were described as having been “purchased from the earth”. They had not defiled themselves with women and were celibate. They followed the Lamb wherever He went and were a sort of “first fruits” to God. They were honest and blameless before Him. Like the 120 or so Jewish believers who watched as Jesus ascended into heaven following His first coming, these 144,000 righteous Jews were there to witness His glorious return (Acts 1:9-10).
This scene almost certainly describes the second coming of Christ (Zechariah 8:3), which will occur at the end of The Great Tribulation. The 144,000 saints are, undoubtedly, the very same Messianic Jews who were sealed by God and under His divine protection during the reign of the Antichrist. The marks on their foreheads can be directly contrasted with the mark of the beast, which we discussed last week. In the last days, they will assemble to welcome and greet Jesus upon His return, and will join with the angels in Heaven singing praise to His wonderful name.
II. THE FLIGHTS OF 3 ANGELS (Revelation 14:6-11)
John then saw an angel flying in midheaven bearing the “eternal gospel”. This message was to be preached to the entire earth - people of every language, nation, and tribe. It was a call to fear, worship, and give glory to God - the Creator of the heavens, earth, and everything in them. It was a call to repentance, faith, and salvation. This gospel message also included an urgent warning that the time of the LORD’s judgment had come.
John then saw a second angel following behind the first. This angel proclaimed that “Babylon the great” had fallen. This angel described Babylon as, “she who has made all the nations drink of the wine of the passion of her sexual immorality.” There is great debate among experts regarding the identity of “Babylon”. We will discuss this issue in much greater depth later in this series when we get to chapters 17 and 18.
Finally, John saw a third angel following the other 2. This angel loudly declared a stern warning that if anyone worshiped the beast or took his mark, they would face the full strength of God’s anger and wrath. To be specific, they would face the eternal torment of fire and brimstone without any rest or relief in the presence of the Lamb and His holy angels. In other words, Jesus would see and approve of their everlasting condemnation.
These 3 angels were seen flying in midheaven, which is typically understood as the earth’s lower atmosphere or “sky”. It seems to me that the first angel, who came proclaiming the gospel, would have done so at the very beginning of the 7-year tribulation as a cry to those who would have to endure it. The second angel, who stated that Babylon had already fallen, would seem to arrive at the very end of the tribulation after Babylon had collapsed. The third angel, who gave a warning about the impending mark of the beast, would seem to appear at the midpoint of the tribulation, just prior to the wicked rule of the Antichrist.
If my suggestions are correct, these 3 angels are clearly presented out of chronological order. They appear at the beginning, end, and then middle of the tribulation. To me this is yet another example showing that John recorded his vision in the order that it was revealed to him - not necessarily in its proper chronological sequence. Broadly speaking, the events of Revelation will unfold in the order they are written, but there are numerous examples of flashbacks and foreshadowing found in the text.
III. THE VOICE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT (Revelation 14:12-13)
John exhorted believers to persevere, remain obedient, and keep their faith in Jesus even when confronted with terrible persecution from the Antichrist. His words here echo those he’d penned earlier when originally describing the beast from the sea (Revelation 13:10). Sometimes we need to be encouraged repeatedly, especially in the face of such dire circumstances.
John then heard a voice from Heaven telling him to write. Scripture indicates that this was the Spirit speaking, i.e. the Holy Spirit. Remember that the Holy Spirit was removed from the earth along with all believers at the rapture of the Church and was seen in the heavenly throne room pictured as a 7 lamps of fire (Revelation 4:5). The Spirit dictated, “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on… so that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow with them.” It would seem logical to make this statement at either the beginning of the tribulation or at the midpoint, just before The Great Tribulation. It would not make much sense to say this at the end, when or even after Jesus comes again.
Nevertheless, the summation of these verses is that believers should persevere even unto the point of death if necessary, knowing that it is a blessed thing to die in the Lord. Those who have been born again have the assurance of an eternal rest and the certainty that their good deeds will be rewarded (James 1:12). This is the encouragement of God, as spoken by the Holy Spirit. We can face death courageously, because our hope is in Jesus Christ!
The various scenes described in Revelation 14 seem to be, at least in my studied opinion, somewhat scattered in time across the 7-year tribulation period. To me this is the most disorderly, or shall I say non-sequentially presented, chapter in the entire book. For clarity’s sake, let’s review and reemphasize my proposed timeline for the first half of chapter 14.
- Jesus will stand on Mt. Zion and be welcomed by the 144,000 saints at the Second Coming - the end of the tribulation.
- The 1st angel will herald the gospel message to all of those left behind after the rapture who will have to go through the tribulation - the beginning of the tribulation.
- The 2nd angel will proclaim that Babylon the great has fallen - the end of the tribulation.
- The 3rd angel will warn the inhabitants of earth of the consequences that will befall those who take the mark of the beast - the middle of the tribulation.
- The Holy Spirit will inform all believers and/or would-be believers that it is a blessed thing to die in the Lord - the beginning or middle of the tribulation.
Next week we will cover the closing verses of Revelation 14. You’ll not want to miss this message. Until then, remain strong, be faithful, and keep believing knowing that “He who endures to the end will be saved (Matthew 24:13).”